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The Perfect Healthy Cookie Dough "Ice Cream" For Summer

Full disclosure: I'm a mom to twin toddlers, and I'll try anything to get them to eat things they hate, like beans and veggies. This results in many creative kitchen creations, and sometimes it is admittedly a huge failure but other time magic happens. Enter the Cookie Dough "Ice Cream" Cones that changed their little worlds.

This ice cream recipe contains no actual ice cream, and no frozen pureed bananas (my usual go-to ice cream substitute). Let's be honest, it's nothing like ice cream unless you serve it in a cone with sprinkles, which is pretty much the best possible way to serve up this vegan protein cookie dough mixture. Just ask my twins! It is also fabulous scooped into a bowl garnished with sprinkles. (Just add these vegan plant-based sprinkles. They make everything more fun).

Adorable ice cream containers like these are also fantastic, but if you have two year olds, I recommend edible cones like these gluten-free ones that taste great and have a good texture. So far I have not been able to make my own ice cream cones, but if you can make your own ice cream cones, do it. For the rest of us, follow my recipe for a wonderful hot weather treat.

vegan cookie dough ice cream

The ingredients are simple, and so are the directions for preparation. Whip this creamy vegan treat up for little kids and adults alike; it's a surprising and delicious alternative to calorie and sugar-laden ice cream. Plus, let's be honest: way less messy.

Cookie Dough

Serves 3-4


1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

1/4 cup almond butter

1 to 2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk, as needed

1 to 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (optional)


1. Rinse and drain the beans and mix all the ingredients except the chocolate chips and sprinkles in a food processor.

2. Blend until creamy and smooth. Add a little additional additional almond milk or water as needed if mixture is too thick.

3. Pulse chocolate chips in last, then pipe mixture into gluten-free ice cream cones using a pasty tip and bag, or scoop in with an ice cream scoop. Garnish with sprinkles.

vegan protein treat


1. Omit maple syrup for a less sweet version, or leave in for a more decadent treat. Same for the chocolate chips, though I highly recommend keeping these yummy morsels in.

2. Vegan vanilla protein powder works well too and will simply change the flavor and color.

3. If you want to get reaaaallly sneaky, you can puree in steamed and cooled cauliflower or broccoli too, but keep it less than a 1/2 cup. If you hide extra veg in this mixture, use at least 1 tablespoon maple syrup to hide the earthy taste.

4. If you love my protein cookie dough (and I bet you do) try this Super Protein Cookie Dough or this Vegan Cookie Dough Without Beans recipe. Some brands also sell pretty rockin' protein-rich cookie dough for a portable version. Protein cookie dough is a great go-to dessert to keep you from getting that sugar crash or derailing your diet.

5. Enjoy and save leftover "cookie dough ice cream" in the fridge in a sealed container. It'll keep for 4-5 days.

vegan macros cookie dough

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